I REALLY DON’T CARE! EP OUT NOW ✩ Order Vinyl ✩ ✩ Stream Take My Phone Away ✩ ✩ Stream "I Really Don't Care!” ✩ Sign up to the Kingsberries mailing list to get a 5% discount on vinyl.Plus be the first to hear about new music, shows, merch, and more from Caroline Kingsbury. Email Address Sign Up By signing up you agree to receive email communications from Caroline Kingsbury and music is fun. Thank you!DISCOUNT CODE: KINGSBERRIESClick here to purchase vinyl ✩ Buy Now ✩ ManagerMal Bailey at IT’S OKAY MGTcontact@itsokaymgt.comLabelMusic Is Funfann@musicisfun.comAgentJaime Kelsall at Paladin Artists jaimekelsall@paladinartists.comLicensingShayna Casey at Crybaby Publishingshayna@crybabymusic.com PRKip Kouri at Tell All Your Friendskip@tellallyourfriendspr.com